

Visual identity and logo for Forbrukertilsynet.


What do you do when your local gym suddenly demands payment for a membership you have never heard of? You contact Forbrukertilsynet.

Forbrukertilsynet, The Consumer Authority, is a public enforcement authority. They work to make markets easier and safer for consumers.

Forbrukertilsynet prevents and stops illegal marketing, unfair contract terms and other forms of illegal commercial practices targeted to consumers. They achieve this by offering guidance and entering into dialogue with traders, by effective use of economic sanctions and through information.

Dialogue therefore became the main concept for the new visual profile.

Communication, information and trust were other important keywords we had in mind when developing the identity. By using stylized speech bubbles as a framework for images and text, Forbrukertilsynet meets their users in a friendly and welcoming way.

The logo shows two reflected hands meeting – they are coming to an agreement. The two hands also form an eye, as Forbrukertilsynet continuously monitors what’s going on in society when it comes to marketing and consumers in general.


Visual identity and logo for Forbrukertilsynet.

Made as a part of Kult Byrå.

Year: 2020